Changelog, Productive Style
v1.1.20, released on 27th December, 2024
- (Compatibility): Compatibility with our global framework to v1.0.16.
- (Improvement): Implemented compatibility with Font Awesome v6.
- (Improvement): Streamlined language translation variables.
- (Improvement): Revamped a selection of our Gutenberg blocks.
- (Improvement): Performance enhancement in our Gutenberg blocks.
- (Fix): Resolved minor bugs.
v1.1.19, released on 25th November, 2024
- (Compatibility): Updated and verified compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1.
- (Compatibility): Compatibility with our global framework to v1.0.15.
- (Compatibility): Performance enhancement in our Gutenberg blocks.
- (Fix): Resolved minor bugs.
v1.1.18, released on 7th Oct, 2024
- (Compatibility): Compatibility with our global framework to v1.0.13.
- (Improvement): Performance enhancement in our Gutenberg blocks.
- (Fix): Resolved minor bugs.
v1.1.17, released on 2024-09-29th
- (Compatibility): Compatibility tested and verified with our global framework to v1.0.12.
- (Improvement): Code refactored to enhance backward compatibility with older php versions.
- (Fix): Bug fixes
v1.1.12, released on 2024-09-9th
- (Improvement): Global Framework: Introduced new features and process optimization.
v1.1.10, released on 2024-08-28th
- (Improvement): Users can now easily navigate popups using keyboard shortcuts, enhancing overall usability.
- (Fix): Resolved minor bugs.
v1.1.9, released on 2024-08-12th
- (Improvement): Made performance improvements to our global framework.
- (Fix): Resolved minor bugs.
v1.1.8, released on 2024-08-3rd
- (Improvement): Optimised functionalities in our global framework.
- (Fix): Resolved several minor bugs.
v1.1.7, released on 2024-08-1st
- (Compatibility) Implemented and verified compatibility with our global framework, updated to v1.0.8.
- (Feature): Implemented and bundled Gutenberg patterns for front-page, blog-home, and FAQs.
- (Improvement): Optimised FAQs user experience.
- (Fix): Resolved several minor bugs.
v1.1.6, released on 2024-07-29th
- (Compatibility): Updated and verified compatibility with WordPress 6.6.1.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg optimisations and support.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg block for Banner Sliders.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg block for our versatile FAQs.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg block for multi-design Content Element.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg slider block for showcasing Brands, Clients, Awards, Projects, Certifications etc.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg block for Product Categories SLider.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg block for multi-design Team Members.
- (Feature): Introduced Gutenberg block for multi-design Testimonials.
- (Improvement): Several improvements in the Breadcrumb features.
- (Fix): Resolved minor bugs across many features of the plugin.
v1.1.5, released on 2024-04-30th
- (improvement): Otpimisation of the global framework and introduction of new functionalities.
- (fix) Resolved minor bugs.
v1.1.4, released on 2024-04-23rd
- (compatibility): Updated and verified compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2.
- (improvement): Routine maintenance and enhancements.
- (Feature): Introduced our versatile slider module.
- (Feature): Introduced preparatory data for FAQs.
- (Feature): Introduced preparatory data for team members.
- (Feature): Introduced preparatory data for testimonials.
- (improvement): Improved admin dashboard.
- (improvement): Updated demo data.
v1.1.2, released on 2024-02-17th
- (compatibility): Updated and verified compatibility with WordPress 6.4.3
- (improvement): Introduced our css framework for improved user experience flexibility in switching layouts.
- (improvement): Refactored the core features of the global framework.
v1.1.1, released on 2023-11-23rd
- (compatibility) : Updated and verified compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1.
- (improvement): Refactored the core features of the global framework.
v1.1.0, released on 2023-10-21st
- (compatibility): Updated and verified compatibility with WordPress 6.3.2.
- (improvement): Enhanced admin dashboard
- (improvement): Refactored core components of the global framework
v1.0.9, released on 2023-08-02
- (fix) : Addressed bug following regression tests
v1.0.8, released on 2023-08-01
- (compatibility): Tested and updated for compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2
- (feature): Introduced "productive global", a framework to boost our plugins' performance
- (feature): Laid groundwork for enabling font switching in the free version with over 10 locally-hosted fonts
- (improvement): Began transitioning the typography feature to our Pro themes
- (improvement): Modified the availability and functionalities of included custom post types
- (improvement): Implemented multiple style optimizations for a better user experience
- (fix): Resolved minor bugs
v1.0.7, released on 2023-01-31
- (feature): Added post types to enhance page content
v1.0.4, released on 2023-01-27
- (improvement): Conducted general maintenance and enhancements
v1.0.3, released on 2023-01-24
- (improvement): Performed general maintenance and refinements
v1.0.2, released on 2023-01-20
- (feature): Introduced functionalities for typography branding.
- (improvement): Redesigned the architecture and restructured the codebase.
v1.0.1, released on 2023-01-06
- (release) : Officially launched on
v0.0.1, released on 2023-01-03
- (development): Finalized features in preparation for initial release.
- (improvement): Made updates based on reviewers' feedback, fixed bugs, and made enhancements.
v0.0.0, released on 2023-01-02
- (development): Initial submission for review on